Phone: (864) 903-2414
Address: 400-4 College Ave.
Clemson, SC 29631
Driving Directions: From Hwy 123 in Clemson, turn onto College Ave. Go to the first light and take a left onto Strode Circle. Turn Left into the parking lot of Allen's Creations Building. Suite 400-4 has a separate entrance and parking lot at the back of the building.
Please Note: Due to Dr. O'Hara's work schedule, she is often not immediately available by telephone. When she is unavailable, the phone is answered by a confidential voice mailbox which she monitors frequently. Every effort is made to return phone calls the same day (with the exception of weekends and holidays), but if you are unable to reach Dr. O'Hara, and feel as though you cannot wait for a return call, please contact your family physician or nearest emergency room and ask for the psychiatrist on call.